Welcome to the Local Charlemont-Dartmouth Community Update on Metrolink
The National Transport Authority lodged the Metrolink Planning Application on Sept 30 2022. As a Strategic Infrastructure Project it goes directly to An Bord Pleanala for decision. There are 8 weeks in which to make a Submission to ABP. November 25th is the deadline.
We all want a Metro but at €12-€23 BILLION cost it needs to be RIGHT!
International Transport Experts say Charlemont extension is ‘STRATEGICALLY WEAK’ and ‘NOT A PRIORITY’. The National Transport Authority have ignored this crucial advice.
Metro + Luas to Charlemont = 1km DUPLICATION of 2 Rail lines +€700M cost!
Charlemont is wholly unsuitable as the “TERMINUS’. Poor Access. Cramped residential site. Difficult Luas interchange. No bus links. No Taxi rank. No space for huge passenger volumes.
We need YOUR support
Invest in YOUR Community and Transport for Dublin that is fit-for-purpose
We are securing PROFESSIONAL advice from Planning+Traffic+Environment+Noise EXPERTS to support ALL of our Submissions to An Bord Pleanala.
We need a fund of €20,000. We have already raised €8,000.
We need each household in the area to support this effort.
We will be back in contact shortly regarding Fundraising and the bank details for your donations.
The original Metrolink plan
✓ North South spine
✓ Swords - Airport -Sandyford
✓ Charlemont a stop along that spine
BUT this plan meant
╳ Green luas closed 4yrs
╳ South communities segregated
New Metro plan
╳ South Metro scrapped
✓ New plan Swords-City
╳ AND a spur to Charlemont
2021 -> NOW
Charlemont =
╳ Major Transport Interchange
╳ Major Terminus station
╳ End of Line of Metro
╳ Point of entry to Metro for ALL South Dublin

What this means for Commuters, Travelling Public, Tourists & the local community.
╳ Huge Traffic congestion along the already traffic black spot at Portobello on Canal
╳ A poor location for a major Terminus - land locked on 3 sides, Canal on 4th side.
╳ Very poor access in a confined, complex site,
╳ Poor interchange Luas to Metro - above ground luas, 400m walk to below ground Metro
╳ Poor transport connection for bus, taxi and car access.
╳ No drop off or parking availability in the area.
╳ Compromised and inaccessible Terminus for those with mobility needs.
╳ Terminating at Charlemont locks in the Green Line replacement as the only viable future Metro South Route – yet no decision on Metro South is being made now.

But we believe there are other solutions
✓ Terminate in the city centre. For example: St Stephens Green is a bigger, better, far more accessible site for all of the South side.
✓ In the heart of the city for shopping, hospitality, accommodation
✓ Easy connection to Luas lines, for example, St Stephens Green or O'Connell Street
✓ Easy access for buses, taxis, car drop offs, walking, cycling.
✓ Keeps all future South Metro options open - Charlemont being too far south limits scope to bring Metro to key urban densely populated areas eg Rathmines, Ballsbridge

We are calling on the Minister, Politicians, Councillors & our Elected representatives
✓ As a Community we have engaged with NTA-TII for the past 4 years. They will not listen to our concerns.
✓ We now MUST use our Elected Representatives to help
✓ We want them to mandate NTA-TII to complete an Independent Study on the most suitable location for a City Centre Terminus.
✓ No Study was ever completed to select Charlemont as a terminus end of line major interchange station.
✓ Charlemont has been selected by Default NOT by Design.
✓ Charlemont only makes sense if the Green line is replaced with Metro.
✓ It is time for the NTA-TII to substantiate with evidence the facts that Charlemont is the 'optimal' location when compared to other potential locations eg St Stephens Green.
Work on Charlemont metro station begins before planning application for line lodged

Dublin Live - €12.5 million Charlemont MetroLink works started without due process.

Charlemont Community calls on Dublin Councillors to mandate an Independent Study on suitability of Charlemont as the City centre Terminus.

Community Leads and Ivana Bacik meet NTA-TII to discuss Misplaced Terminus.

The Irish Times - The Government has given approval for work on key Dublin Metro stations

Charlemont Community write to Minister Eamon Ryan re Misplaced Terminus .

Greater Dublin Transport Strategy Submissions
Over 150 Submissions on 'misplaced terminus'

Community meet RINA - the Independent Engineering Expert
Appointed by NTA-TII to provide answers to impacted Stakeholders

Community informed of latest Terminus plans from TII

Charlemont Community Large scale meeting on local impact of Large scale Terminus

Irish Times letter on Misplaced Terminus
What is happening next and what you can do
1. Make a donation to fund the crucial expert professionals that we all need on board.
2. Come to our local community meeting on Oct 22
3. Attend Further meetings/calls once our Expert Advisors have studied plans and have developed our key Submission points. They will present them to the local community.
4. Regular Local updates will take place in the lead up to the Submission deadline with key points to make in your Submission.
5. For any queries and to join our mailing list please email us - misplacedterminus@gmail.com